1st unit

شباس أونلاينالرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

شاطر | 

 1st unit

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مسترعطيه الخضرى
مسترعطيه الخضرى

معلومات اضافية
الجنس : ذكر

العمل : 1st unit Profes10

الاقامة : 1st unit Egypt10

العمر : 59

عدد المشاركات : 314

تاريخ الانضمام : 22/08/2011

SMSرب انى مسنى الضر وانت ارحم الراحمين

1st unit C13e6510

السيرة النبوية

1st unit    4/10/2011, 6:22 pm


advice نصيحة forget ينسى
alive على قيد الحياة friendly ودود
ancient قديم. عتيق funny مرح
archaeologist عالم أثار geologist عالم جيولوجيا
article مقالة give back يرد. يعوض
astronaut رائد فضاء goal هدف
beautiful جميل grow up يكبر. يربى
biography سيرة ذاتية hard-working مجتهد فى عمله
brave شجاع headmistress ناظرة
calm هادىء high school مدرسة ثانوية
ceremony إحتفال important هام
champion بطل include يشمل
championship بطولة influence تأثير. يؤثر
cheerful مبتهج institute معهد
chemistry كيمياء interesting شيق. مثير
chess شطرنج internationally عالمياً
collect يجمع jewellery مجوهرات
critical نقدى . حرج junior صغير السن. ناشىء.
discuss يناقش land أرض. يهبط
educate يعلم leader قائد
education تعليم major رئيسى
Egyptian مصرى medicine دواء. طب
enjoyable ممتع modern حديث
exciting مثير ordinary عادى
successful ناجح expert خبير
professor أستاذ جامعى fact حقيقة
project مشروع famous مشهور
qualities صفات Femto second فيمتو ثانية
quantity كمية first aid إسعافات أولية
quiz أحجية . فزورة fit لأئق.مناسب
race سباق finger إصبع
railway سكة حديد nuclear نووى
receive يستلم photography التصوير
remember يتذكر points نقاط
remote sensing إستشعار عن بعد polite مؤدب
sand رمل popular شعبى
satellite قمر صناعى prize جائزة
score يسجل / يحرز هدف professional محترف
shape شكل talented موهوب
society مجتمع thanks شكراً
soil التربة thanks to بفضل
space الفضاء the same as مثل. تماماُ مثل
squash إسكواش tools أدوات
statue تمثال underground تحت الأرض. مترو
stone حجر youngman شاب
strong قوى succeed in ينجح فى

وظيفة ( اسم يعد) وتاخذ the وتجمع علي jobs Job

 He got a job in a bank.  I have got a lot of jobs to do.

عمل، مكان العمل ( اسم لا يعد ) ولا تأخذ a ولا تجمع

 He hasn't got much work to do.  When did you leave your work?

المناخ ( حالة الجو في منطقه معينه) لفتره طويله

 I like the climate of Egypt.

الطقس ( حالة الجو لفتره معينه )

 The weather will be fine tomorrow.

يفوز – يكسب ( جائزه- مباراه – كاس – انتخابات -------)

 Our team won the match.

يكسب ( مال – قوته ) مقابل عمل

 He works hard to earn his living.

يحصل علي شيء مفيد ( معنوي ) مثل خيره – معلومات – شهره – معرفه--

أسماء بعد أفعال معينة 6Nouns after verbs
Give advice lecture present medicine lesson speech
Take notes part place medicine test exam exercises
Play game the piano part role computer games football
win prize race cup medal championship points
Score goal points record
Do work quiz exercise shopping
Make mistake discovery journey trip bed
Questions & Answers
1- Why is Nabawiya Musa famous ?
----» Because was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
2- What did Nabawiya Musa do when she became older ?
----» She helped other women to succeed in education and work.
3- What did Nabawiya Musa do in 1908 ?
----» She wrote a book about girls’ education.
4- What did Nabawiya Musa work after writing a book ?
----» She became the headmistress of Al-Mohammadia school for girls’.
1- What is the job of Dr Zahi Hawass ?
----» He is one of the most famous archaeologists in the world.
2- Where does he speak and write ?
----» He often speaks on radio and TV. He sometimes writes in a magazine called
“ Egypt Today”.
3- What does he want? Why?
----» He wants to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums outside Egypt.
Because Egyptian people don’t see these things if they are in other countries.
4- What would Dr Hawass like to be in Egypt?
----» The Rosetta Stone.
1- What is the difference between the rain now and two million years ago ?
----» Now it only rains every 20 – 50 years in the Western Desert. Two million years
ago very heavy rain fell and a huge quantity of water collected under the desert
2- Why should we thank Dr Farouk El-Baz ?
----» Because he found the underground water.
3- What does Dr El-Baz do ?
----» He is a space scientist and a geologist.
4- Where and when was Dr El-Baz born and educated ?
----» He was born in Zagazig, in Egypt in 1938. He was educated at Ain Shams
5- What is the job of Dr El-Baz ?
----» He is the director of Remote Sensing at Boston University in the USA.
6- What is he expert in ?
----» He is the world’s greatest expert in remote sensing.
7- What is remote sensing ?
----» It is the use of Satellites find water under the desert.
8- How was the underground water found in Sinai ?
----» By photographs which Dr El-Baz took from satellites.
9- How long did Dr El-Baz work on the American Apollo Space Project ?
----» From 1967 to 1973.
10- How did Dr El-Baz advise astronauts who landed on the moon ?
----» He gave them advice on where to land and how to collect rocks and soil on the
11- What do you think of Dr El-Baz ?
----» He is loyal to his homeland, Egypt. Although he works in America, he never
forgets Egypt.
12- How did Dr El-Baz help Egypt ?
----» His photographs which he tool from satellites helped us to find a huge quantity of underground in the Western Desert.
1- Where and when was Ramy Ashour ?
----» In Cairo, in September 1987.
2- What did Ramy win at the age of sixteen?
----» He became the youngest player to win the Men’s World Junior Squash
3- How many times did he win the Men’s World Junior Squash Championship?
----» Two times. The first one was in 2003 and 2006.
1- When and Where was Ahmed Zewail born ?
----» In 1946, in Egypt.
2- Where did he study ? Where did he finish his studies ?
----» He studied in Alexandria University. He finished his studies in the United States.
3- When and where did he became a professor ?
----» In 1976 at the California Institute of Technology.
4- When and why did he win the Benjamin Franklin Prize ?
----» In 1997, at the age of 52. Because he discovered the femto second.
5- What is the femto second ?
----» It is one millionth of one billionth of a second.
6- What did Dr Zewail get the Nobel Prize for ?
----» He got the Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
7- Where does Dr Zewail live now ?
----» He now lives in California.
8- How many children does he have ?
----» He has four children.
9- What is the job of his wife ?
----» His wife Dema Zewail is a doctor.
10- What does he do now ?
----» He now helps scientists to make new medicines.
1- What was Neil Armstrong famous for ?
----» He was the first man to walk on the moon.
2- When did Neil Armstrong land on the moon ?
----» In 1969.
3- With whom did Neil Armstrong go to the moon ?
----» With Buzz Aldrin.
4- How long did they stay on the moon ?
----» For nearly 90 minutes in the first day. In the next day, they collected rocks and soils, took a lot of photographs and sent back more TV pictures to the earth.
Creative Questions
1- How can scientists like Dr El-Baz change lives of people ?
----» They can help people to find water, oil and metals under deserts. Water will change the deserts into green land. Oil and metals are important for industry.
2- What qualities can make such great scientists like Dr El-Baz ?
----» A successful scientist must be hard-working, intelligent, clever, careful and knowledgeable.
3- Can these qualities make sports stars like Ramy Ashour, as well ?
----» Yes. A sports star must be hard working, clever, intelligent, patient,careful and train hard everyday.
4- What can great scientists and sports stars give back to their countries ?
----» First, their countries are proud of them. They set examples to young people. And they can help their countries each in his field.
5- Should all successful people give something back to society ?
----» Yes. Because they grow up, educated and became successful with the help of the society.
6- Do you think Ramy felt surprised when he won the Junior Squash
Championship ? Why?
----» Yes, because he didn’t expect so.
7- Why do you think, did Ramy Ashour become such a good squash player?
----» Because he was born of a sporty family, his elder brother is a squash player, too.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- Naguib Mahfouz is one of the most.......... Arab writers.
a) young b) famous c) junior d) remote
2- The government gives great care to girls' .................
a) education b) songs c) fashion d) jewellery
3- What are you going to ........... a quiz on?
a) make b)take c)do d)play
4- A person who studies buildings and tools from the past is a/an
a) engineer b) mechanic c) professor d) archaeologist
5- The police managed to bring all the stolen things .............. .
a) front b)back c)side d)over
6-............. is made of gold, diamonds and other expensive metals.
a) Furniture b) Jewellery c) Machinery d) Clothing
7- Archaeologists from all over the world visit Egypt to study the Pyramids and other ......... buildings.
a) new b) modern c) ancient d)low
8- The ......... of my daughter's school is a very clever woman.
a) singer b) actress c) headmistress d) professor
9- There are wonderful............ at the Temple of Karnak.
a) statues b) houses c) schools d) classes
10-He ............. about his father with great respect and pride.
a) listens b) talks c) knows d)says
11-Dr Zewail.......... the femtosecond.
a) invented b) invited c) discovered d)made
12-The femtosecond is .......... of one billionth of a second.
a) a million b) one million c) one millionth d) millions
13- I enjoy watching European football matches ......... TV.
a) in b)on c)at d)by
14-Adel Imam is famous .......... his great comedies.
a) for b)by c)to d)on

15-Dr Zahi Hawass writes ............ a magazine called "Egypt Today".
a) in b)at c)on d)by
16-Have you ............ about the new invention?
a)smelled b)seen c) heard d)felt
17-He is an expert in ............ photographs.
a) doing b) taking c) making d) drawing
18-Dr El-Baz ................. astronauts advice on where they should land on the moon.
a) took b)gave c)did d)had
19- ........... his help, I got high marks.
a) Because b)As c) Thanks to d) Although
20-He travelled abroad for the first time at the ....... of 20.
a) height b) weight c)age d) length
21- Dr Zewail became a/an ........ at the University of California.
a) stronaut b) professor c) student d) archaeologist
22- I was …………... at Ain Shams University.
a) born b) educated c) studied d) called
23- My father has…………….me a lot. I do just like him.
a) talked b) spoken c) influenced d) completed
24- When the spaceship on the moon, the .......... came out to collect rocks and soil.
a) travelers p) passengers c) astronauts d) geologists
25-Huge ........ of water are found under the sand of the Western Desert.
a) numbers b) litres c) quantities d) bottles
26-A great............ was held to celebrate his success.
a) quiz b) project c) museum d) ceremony
27-Remote sensing is the use of.......... to take pictures of the earth.
a) magazines b) satellites c) stones d) televisions
28-Dr El-Baz worked on many ........... projects.
a) air b) atmosphere c) space d) soil
29-Ramy Ashour is a famous ......... player.
a) tennis b) football c) squash d) volleyball

30-Children take part in ............... championships.
a) major b) junior c) senior d) Olympic
31- ............ my advice and you'll get a high score.
a) Do b) Take d) Make d) Listen
32-The Nile plays a .......... part in the lives of the Egyptians.
a) small b) minor c). major d) tiny
33-Countries that have no rivers depend on .......... water for farming.
a) underneath b) underground c) low d) hidden
34-Can you ......... photographs with this modern camera?
a) give b) take c) make d) paint
35-Mido ........... a decisive goal in the last minute of the game.
a) kicked b) scored c) won d) got
36-Egypt............... the Cup of African Nations in 2008.
a) scored b) won c) gave d) bought
37-Dr El-Baz is an expert in ........... sensing.
a) far b) distant c) long d) remote
38-Footballers are now ............ not amateurs. Football is their job.
a) professionals b) craftsmen c) artists d) actors
39-The Egyptian army .............. a great victory on October 6th 1973.
a) took b) gave c) got d) won
40-She answered all the questions .............. so she got the full mark.
a) good b) badly c) correctly d) wrong
41-Shall we ............ the problem to solve it?
a) complete b) discuss c) talk d) speak
42-After a long flight, the plane ............. safely.
a)fell b ) landed c) crashed d)sank
43-Dr Zewail.............. scientists find new medicines.
a) helps b) likes c) works d) calls
44-Rain rarely .............. in the Western Desert.
a)fills b)feels Of alls d)flies
45-With the help of remote sensing, a lot of water was .... under the Western Desert.
a) completed b) found c) brought d) given
46-Her voice is too weak to ................. .
a) listen b)feel c)hear d)see
47-The ............. of our flight to London was so clever.
a)astronaut b) pilot c) archaeologist d) expert
48-More than one Egyptian won the Nobel.......... .
a) re ward b)quiz c)Prize d)game
49-The Suez Canal is ........... important.
a) hardly b) slightly c) correctly d) internationally
50-Education is the only way to help the Egyptian ........... develop
a)world b)society c) quantity d)photography
2- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
- Nabawiya Musa was the first famous Egyptian woman to go to high school. She helped other women to succeed in ....(1)... and work. She became the ...(2)... of a girls' school.
- Dr. Zahi Hawass is also famous as an ....(3).... He talks about the ....(4)..... on television. He is interested in bringing ...(5)... things back to Egypt. He wants to bring kinds of things like statues, ....(6).... and the Rosetta Stone.
3- Read the text below, then write the word which best fits each space:
- Dr El-Baz is the world's greatest expert in remote sensing. He used remote ....(1)..... to find water under deserts. .....(2)..... water was found under the Western Desert and Sinai, thanks to the .......(3)...... which he took from satellites. From 1967 to 1973, he worked on the American Apollo Space ....(4).... He gave ...(5)...on where the astronauts should land and told them how to collect ...(6).... and soil on the moon.
4- Answer the following questions:
1- How often does it rain in the Western Desert?
2- How did a huge quantity of water collect under the Western Desert?
3- Does Egypt need this water now? Why?
4- How can Dr El-Baz influence university students in Egypt?
5- Has Dr El-Baz given something back to his country?
6- Why do we have to thank Dr El-Baz?
7- Which American project did Dr El-Baz work on?
8- How were the photographs of Dr El-Baz helpful to Egypt?
9- What makes Ramy Ashour a great sports star?
10-What do Dr El-Baz and Ramy Ashour have in common?

زمن المضارع البسيط

يتكون من مصدر الفعل بإضافةs مع الفاعل المفرد الغائب أو الضمائر (he, she, it )
 He works in a big firm.
مـلا حـظات:
يضاف للفعل es إذا كان الفعل ينتهي بالحروف ( ss – sh – ch – x – o )
 He watches TV. She crosses the road.

 يضاف للفعل ies إذا كان ينتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف ساكن .
 She studies medicine  he carries his bag.
 يضاف s فقط للأفعال التي تنتهي بحرف y يسبقه حرف متحرك.
 He plays the piano.  She obeys her mother.
1- يعبر عن عاده متكررة ويستخدم مع الكلمات
(Always – usually – some times – often – ever – never – hardly – seldom- rarely-
وتوضع كالتالي
1- بين الفاعل والفعل الاصلي
He usually helps his neighbours.
2 -بعد am , is , are.
He is always late.
الظروف الدالة علي الزمن adverbs of time تأتي إما في بداية الجملة أو نهايتها مثل
every day /week/year - / at night / in the afternoon
•We watch TV every night. •Every night we watch TV.

2- يعبر عن حقيقة ثابتة أو شبه ثابتة.
 The moon moves around the earth.
 I prefer reading to watching TV.

3- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط او الجمله الامريه عند استخدام الروابط الزمنية
When /after/before/as soon as /till/until/the moment
1-When he comes, I will tell him the truth.
2-We will have a meal after the plane takes off.
3- phone me when he arrives.
4- لا حظ استخدام المضارع البسيط مع المستقبل البسيط عند استخدام if /unless :
1-He will give us a ride if we meet him at the party.
2-If she arrives early ,she will attend the lecture.

5- يستخدم للتعبير عن جدول مواعيد القطارات والطائرات ومواعيد الامتحانات .
Our plane arrives to London tomorrow.

نستخدم don't أمام الفعل إذا لم ينتهي ب ies, es, s.
 I don't work in a hospital.
 نستخدم doesn't إذا كان الفعل ينتهي ب ies, es, s
 He doesn't eat meat.
من الممكن ان نستخدم never او hardly في النفي كالتالي : -
فاعل مفرد + never \ hardly + s , es , ies مصدر به
He never comes late = he doesn't come late.
فاعل جمع + never \ hardly + s , es , ies مصدر بدون
They don't go to school on Friday = they never go to school on Friday.
يتكون المضارع البسيط في الاستفهام من:
أداة الاستفـهام + do \ does + الفاعـل + الفعل( المصـدر) ?
 Where do you work?
 When does he come?
 تستخدم does مع الفاعل المفرد.
 تستخدم do مع الفاعل الجمع.
المبني للمجهول :-
المفعول + Am / is / are + PP.
•Somebody cleans this room every day.
This room is cleaned every day.

زمــــن المضارع المستمر

يتكون من + am , is , are + v + ing الفاعل
استعمالات زمن المضارع المستمر :
1- حدث يحدث الان – مستمر اثناء الكلام .
Now, he is writing a report.
At the moment she is ironing the shirts.

2- حدث في المستقبل تم التخطيط لة من قبل .
We are traveling tomorrow.
Every thing is arranged. Tim marrying next Thursday.
3-  أحيانا يدل الموقف في الجملة علي الاستمرار
•Where's Frank? He's having a bath. •Take care! A bus is coming.
4- \ في حالة وجود زمنين في المضارع المستمر لهما نفس الفاعل و يربط بينهما and فانه يمكن حذف am/is /are
He is teaching English and learning French.
علاماته :
Now, look, listen, at present, at the moment, be careful, and look out.
He is repairing the car. "Negative"
He isn't repairing the car.
الفاعل + am,is,are + not +v+ing.
الاستفهام :
Is , Are + الفاعل + v + ing --------------?
Are you buying a new shirt ?
Yes , I'm buying a new shirt.
المبني للمجهول :
يتكون المضارع المستمر في المبني للمجهول من :
المفعول + am , is , are + being + p.p .
The government is building many cities in the desert. " Many cities"
Many cities are being built in the desert .
5- لا تستعمل ازمنه المستمر مع الأفعال الآتية :
See – hear – smell – notice أفعال الشعور – الحواس
Realize- know – understand – suppose – mean – forget – remember – trust
أفعال التفكير
Want – desire – wish – hate – like – love – dislike – care أفعال العاطفة
Own – possess – belong – have أفعال الملكية

زمــــن الماضي البسيط

تكـوينه :
يتكون من التصريف الثاني للفعل وعاده باضا فه ed لمصدر الفعل ماعدا الأفعال الشاذة
 Dr Zewail discovered the femto second in 1997.
استعمالات زمن الماضي البسيط :
1- حدث تم وانتهي في الماضي
 I met Ahmed yesterday.
2- عاده في الماضي وانتهت ( لم تعد تحدث )
 When I was young, we lived in Cairo.
 When I was in Paris, I used to play tennis.

3- يستخدم في الحالة الثانية من قاعدة if
 If he studied hard, he would succeed.
4- يستخدم مع الكلمات التالية:
Yesterday – ago –– in the past – in the ancient times – in + تاريخ - last (week – month -)
5- يأتي بعد if only – I wish للتعبير عن أمنيه في الوقت الحاضر مطلوبة لكن غير محققة.
 I wish I saw Ahmed now.
 I wish I were a millionaire.
6- يأتي قبل أدوات الربط التالية
After , when , as soon as , until
7- غالبا ما تستخدم used toللتعبير عن عاده كانت في الماضي.
 When I was a child, I used to play in the street.
النفي :
نستخدم didn't ونحول الفعل الي المصدر .
 He didn't succeed in the exam.
الاستفهام :
يتكون الماضي البسيط في الاستفهام من :
اداه الاستفهام + did + الفاعل + المصدر ?
 How did you come to the club?
المبني للمجهول :
يتكون الماضي البسيط في المبني للمجهول من :
المفعول + was \ were + p . p.+ by + الفاعل
 The car was repaired by the mechanic.
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- I -------------------my dinner at eight o' clock everyday.
a- eats b- ate c - eat d- eaten
2- My brother------------------the newspaper everymorning.
a- reads b- read c – has read d-is reading
3- The camera -------------------to take photographs.
a- is using b- is used c - uses d-used
4- The earth --------------------round the sun.
a- moved b- is moving c – is moved d- moves
5- Mr. Salim -------------------comes late.
a- don't b- doesn't c - never d- didn't
6- What time -------------------you usually go to work?
a- do b- does c - will d- are
7- I'll phone you as soon as I -------------------------my work.
a- will finish b- has finished c - finished d- finish
8- English ----------------------all over the world.
a- speaks b- spoken c – is spoken d- will speak
9- I --------------------------my aunt a week ago.
a- visited b- visit c - visiting d- would visit
10- We -----------------an interesting film last night.
a- watch b-watched c – have watched d- would watch
11- When I was on holiday, I --------------------tennis everyday.
a- play b- would play c - played d- have played
12- They -----------attend the conference last month.
a- won't b- didn't c – wasn't d- don't
13- They came to my birthday party and ---------------nice presents.
a- gives b- were giving c – have given d- gave
14- He ---------------------very quickly so we didn't understand.
a- has spoken b- speaks c – spoke d- would speak
15- When ---------------you go to bed last night?
a- did b-will c – do d- was
16- He came to my house and ------------------some tea with me.
a- have b- has c - had d- had had
17- During the holiday, tamer ----------------football every day.
a- played b- plays c – were playing d- has played
18- This house -------------------- two years ago.
a-built b- builds c – has built d- was built
19- When I was young, I ---------- eat a lot of chocolates.
a- use to b- used to c- am used to d- using to
20- A criminal ------- the guard of the bank last night.
a- killed b- has killed c- is killing d-kills
21- If only I ---------------------------in china today.
a- am b- was c- were d- be
22- It is time we ------------------- home.
a- go b- have gone c- went d- going
23- The western desert is one of the --------------------- places on earth.
a- dry b- drier c- driest d- warmest

Additional Exercises
1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1- How often .......... it rain in the Western Desert?
a) had b)does c)is d)was
2- Two million years ago, very heavy rain ......... in the Western Desert.
a) fall b)fell c) fallen d) falling
3- Dr El-Baz ........ men who landed on the moon on how to collect rocks and soil.
a) spoke b)said c) advised d) talked
4- Dr El-Baz ........ in Zagazig in 1938.
a) bear b)bore c)born d) was born
5- El Khateeb ............ one of the most famous football players in the Arab World.
a) was b)has c)had d)were
6- Egyptian people ........ ancient things if they are in other countries.
a) doesn't see b) didn't see c) don't see d) aren't see
7-........ Nabawiya Musa write books? - Yes.
a) Does b)Did c) Doesn't d) Hasn't
8- He .......... goes to the cinema. He goes once a year.
a) sometimes b) often c) rarely d) never
9- How ........ do you go to the library? - Once a week.
a) often b) long c) far d) many
10-We are ......... ready to help you. Don't worry.
a) always b) hardly c) never d) rarely
11- ........... Ali usually late for school? - Yes, sir. He hardly comes early.
a) Is b)Does c)Was d)Has
12-My room is always dirty. I......... it well.
a) am cleaned b) am not cleaned c) clean d) don't clean
13-My sister has a mobile phone, but she .......... lets me use it.
a) don't b) doesn't c) never d) didn't
14-Turn off the lights when you .......... the room.
a) leave b) leaves c) were leaving d) had left
15- I usually go to school by bus, but I........... take a taxi.
a) always b) sometimes c) often d) regularly
16-Switch off TV's and computers when you ........ using them.
a) finishes b) finish c) finished d) had finished
17-He ....... hard when he was at school.
a) studies b) has studied c) studied d) had studied
18- I............ TV for two hours every day.
a) watched b) am watching c) have watched d) watch
19-We often ............ breakfast at 7 o'clock.
a) is having b) has had c) have d) has had
20-What time ......... you usually arrive at school in the morning?
a) did b)do dare d)will
21-The earth ............... round the sun.
a) moves b) is moving c) moved d) has moved
22- ............. you ever get up late?
a) Are b)Have c)Do d)will
23-We ......... an interesting film on TV yesterday.
a) watch b) will watch c) watched d) have watched
24-Ahmed ............. gets up early.
a) doesn't b) didn't c) never d) hadn't
25-The sports club ........ at 8 o'clock every day.
a) open b) is opening c) opening d) opens
26-Water .......... at 100 degrees centigrade.
a) boiled b) is boiling c) will oil d) boils
27-Soha often ............ skiing at the weekend.
a) go b) is going c)goes d) going
28-How often .......... to the dentist?
a) do you go b) were you going c) have you gone d) you go
29-In 1999, Dr Zewail......... the Nobel Prize for chemistry.
a) get b)got c) is getting d) would get
30-Which university ......... Dr Zewail go to?
a) does b)did c) had d) has
31-Dr Hawass ............ to bring ancient things back to Egypt from museums in other countries.
a) want b) wanting c) wants d) is wanting
32-Where ............ the summer vacation?
a) you spent b) you did spend c) did you spend d) you spending
33-The thief ............... and taken to prison.
a) arrested b) was arresting c) was arrested d) has arrested
34-My father used to ......... footabll as a boy.
a) playing b) played c)play d) plays
35-When he returned, he .......... find his bag.
a) hasn't b) hadn't c) doesn't d) didn't
36-What time ................ you usually get up?
a) have b) do c) had d) are
37- .................. Egypt win the Cup of African Nations in 2006?
a) Do b)Does c) Did d)Has
38-The story ............ long ago.
a) wrote b) was written c) is written d) was writing
39-The man ......... come late.
a) doesn't b) never c) isn't d) don't
40-The players ............... happy when they won the cup.
a) was b) were c) are d) have
2- Rewrite the following sentences using the word (s) :-
21 1-He always comes late. (is)
22 2- He never conies early. (doesn't)
23 3- He is used to taking exercise in the morning. (usually)
24 4- When did you finish your homework? (How long)
25 5- He started playing football at 4 o'clock. Now it is 6. (ago)
26 6- When I was young, I swam in the sea. (used)
27 7- I always go to bed late. (never)
28 8- It is my habit to get up early. (usually)
29 9- I have a friend who was in the habit of smoking but he doesn't smoke now. (used)
30 10-How long ago did you start playing squash? (When)
31 11-Taking exercise is part of my daily routine. (take)
32 12-My mother cleaned all the rooms. (were)
33 13-Do you like watching football? (interested in)

1- Finish the dialogue between Ali and Ibrahim about a famous Egyptian football player:
Ali : I hear that Hossam Hassan is the best Egyptian football player.
Ibrahim : ...............(1).................?
Ali : Because he has played in many international matches and scored more goals than any other player.
Ibrahim : .................(2)................?
Ali : He was born in Cairo in August 1966.
Ibrahim &89t11................(3)....................... ?
Ali : It was the National Club.
Ibrahim &89t11................(4)......................?
Ali : His twin brother also played over 100 matches for the Egyptian national team.
2- Write what you would say in each of the following situations:
1- A friend of yours asks you who the person you like most is.
2- You admire your English teacher and a friend asks your opinion about him.
3- Write a paragraph of seven (7) sentences about:
A person you know who has influenced you
4- A) Translate into Arabic:
1- Nabawiya Musa was the first Egyptian woman to go to high school.
2- Dr Zahi Hawass is a famous archaeologist who writes in a magazine called "Egypt Today".
3- Dr Zewail won the Benjamin Franklin Prize because he discovered the femtosecond in 1997.
4- Dr El- Baz is a space scientist and a geologist who used remote sensing to discovered underground water in Sinai and the Western Desert.
5- Ramy Ashour is a famous Egyptian squash player who won an important championship in Canada in 2007.
6- What would you do if you had the chance to be successful and famous in your country?
B) Translate Into English:
1- كتبت نبوية موسى كتابا مشهورا عن تعليم البنات
2- يتطلع الدكتور زاهى حواس لاسترجاع الأشياء الأثرية مثل حجر رشيد من المتاحف التى فى البلاد الأخرى
3- لقد استطاع نيل أرمسترونج أن يمشى على القمر عام 1969
4- مُنح دكتور أحمد زويل جائزة نوبل فى الكيمياء وهو الآن يساعد فى صنع أدوية جديدة
5- عمل دكتور فاروق الباز فى مشروع أبوللو الأمريكى للفضاء
6- لعب حسام حسن الكثير من المباريات الدولية وأحرز أهدافاً أكثر من أى لاعب آخر
7- ما هى الصفات التى تجعل نجماً مثل رامى عاشور ناجحاً؟
8- أعطى دكتور الباز نصائح لرجال الفضاء عن مكان الهبوط وكيفية جمع الصخور والتربة على القمر

1st unit

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
أبناء شباس عمير :: القسم الثقافى ::   :: المناهج التعليمية :: المرحلة الثانويـــــــــة-

جميع المشاركات والمواضيع في منتدي أبناء شباس عمير تعبر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها|جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنتدى أبناء شباس عمير 2011


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