القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى

شباس أونلاينالرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول

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 القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مسترعطيه الخضرى
مسترعطيه الخضرى

معلومات اضافية
الجنس : ذكر

العمل : القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى Profes10

الاقامة : القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى Egypt10

العمر : 59

عدد المشاركات : 314

تاريخ الانضمام : 22/08/2011

SMSرب انى مسنى الضر وانت ارحم الراحمين

القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى C13e6510

السيرة النبوية

القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى    19/10/2011, 8:45 am

3-Called To rescueاستدعاء للإنقاذ. .

Rescue ينقذ\انقاد During أثناء
Quiet هاديء Cross يعبر
Ferry معدية\معبر Passenger المسافرون
Commanding voice صوت آمر Station محطة
Railway السكة الحديد Ordinary عادى
Repeat يكرر To take no notice لا يلاحظ
Obey يطيع He reasoned with himself
قيم الأمر مع نفسه
Foolish أحمق Imaginary خيالي
Dismiss يطرد\يتخلص من Set out ينطلق
Astonished مندهش Impatiently بلا صبر
Still sounded in his ear
ما زالت تتردد في أذنه gained possession of his mind
سيطرت علي عقله
Ferryman مركبي At the first opportunity
في أول فرصة
Blame يلوم Readiness استعداد
apologize يعتذر Delay يتاخر\تأخير
Case قضية Try يحاكم
Law court محكمة Wander يتجول
Aimlessly بلا هدف waiter جرسون
Encourage يشجع Remain يبقى
Amusing history تاريخ شيق Accuse of يتهم بـ
Excitement إثارة prisoner سجين
Witnesses شهود commit يرتكب
The act of murder جريمة القتل Guilty مذنب
prove يثبت mend يصلح
Special Reason سبب خاص Accept his fate يقبل قدره
concerned مهتم Human being إنسان
wait ينتظر library مكتبة
Pass the time يقضى الوقت Notebook مفكرة
purpose غرض\غاية difficulty صعوبة
Including تشمل Date تاريخ
Thick سميك Faint باهت\شاحب
Be examined for يتم استجوابه Sake لصالح
Witness box
مكان الشهود في المحكمة Tell the truth يقول الصدق
Innocence برائة Set free يطلق سراح

A YOUNG man from Cambridge University, Mr D—, had been studying during the summer at the quiet little town of Exmouth. At this place, as many readers know, the river Exe is crossed by ferry, which brings passengers close to the Starcross station on the Great Western Railway. For this purpose a boat remains ready from sunrise till sunset.
One night between twelve and one o'clock, the young man suddenly awoke. He felt that a commanding voice had spoken to him; it had been so clear that the last word still sounded in his ear: "Go down to the ferry!"
Thinking it was an ordinary dream, he turned over to sleep again, when the command was repeated with this addition: "The boatman waits!"
There was something in this second voice that made it impossible for the young man to take no notice. He tried not to obey, and sat up in bed for some minutes quite awake. He reasoned with himself. It seemed foolish to get up in the middle of the night on the orders of an imaginary voice, to go to a ferry where no boat would be found (for the boatman lived at Starcross), for a purpose of which he knew nothing. He tried to dismiss the idea but was unsuccessful. He felt, in any case, that sleep was impossible. It was only a short walk to the ferry and back and he did not need to tell anyone about his journey. At last he jumped from his bed, dressed quickly and set out.
Before he reached the ferry he was astonished to hear the boatman's rough voice calling to him through the darkness impatiently.
"Well, you've kept me waiting long enough tonight, I think. I've waited nearly an hour for you." The ferryman had, it seemed, received his orders too, but did not think that they had any unusual origin. Finding no passenger waiting on his own side of the river, he probably decided that he had been called by someone in a passing boat, and ordered to go across.
By the time Mr D— had arrived on the Starcross side, a further idea had gained possession of his mind.
"Exeter! Exeter! Exeter!" was the word that continually sounded in his head, like a calling bell. He felt now that the purpose of this strange night journey, whatever it might be, would be completed at Exeter. To Exeter he therefore went at the first opportunity. It was only about eight or ten miles, and he reached the city about sunrise.
Now, for the first time, he did not know what to do. All ideas and feelings had gone. He wandered aimlessly about the streets and blamed himself severely for the readiness with which he had come. He now considered the whole matter as just his imagination, but comforted himself with the idea that at that early hour no one he knew would be there to ask questions. Mr D— decided to return home by the next train; but meanwhile the shops and houses began to open, and when the young man reached a hotel, he went inside to order some breakfast.
The waiter was very slow in bringing the meal, but when he did so he apologized for the delay. He said that the hotel was full because a lot of people were visiting Exeter in connection with the cases which were being tried in the law courts.
Mr. D— had heard nothing about these trials and felt no interest in the subject. But he saw that the waiter considered the judge's visit as an event of great importance, and so he encouraged the-man to talk. He was rewarded by a very amusing history of the cases that had already been tried, as well as the waiter's own ideas about the cases which remained.
Mr. D— became interested in the matter, and so, instead of returning to Exmouth by the next train, he walked about until the court opened and then went in and sat down to watch.
The case which was just beginning seemed to cause unusual excitement. The prisoner was accused of murder. No one had seen him actually committing the act of murder, but from what the witnesses said, it seemed certain that he would be found guilty. His only hope seemed to be to prove that the witnesses were all talking about the wrong man, and to show that he had not been there at the time.
When he was asked what he had to say, he quietly replied:
It is impossible that I could have done this thing, because on the day and at the hour when it happened, I was sent for to mend a window at Mr G—'s house at M— . There is one gentleman," he added after a pause, "who could prove that I was there , but I don't know who he is , nor where to look for him . Yes, I know that he could prove that I'm not a guilty. There is a special reason that would make him remember me. But I can't do anything about it .
God's will be done." And the poor fellow seemed ready to accept his fate.
All this time Mr D— had been listening with deep attention; and when the prisoner ended his sad and hopeless speech, Mr D— raised his head suddenly and looked carefully at him. When his eyes fell on that sad, tired face, a number of events came back to his mind. They were events that seemed simple enough when they happened, but were now important because they concerned the life of a fellow human being.
Mr D— had gone, some months before, to visit a friend at M—.The friend was out, but wishing especially to see him, Mr D— had decided to wait for his return . For that purpose he had gone p to the library , intending to pass the time reading a book . But here he found a man mending the window , and instead of reading he stood for some minutes watching the man and talking to him about his work.
While he was doing this, something was said that Mr D— wished to write down and he took out his notebook for the purpose. But he found that he had lost his pencil. The man, seeing his difficulty, had handed him his own (a short brown pencil with square sides), saying that Mr D— could keep it if he wished.
All this came back to the young man's mind as clearly as if it had happened the day before. Hastily turning to his notebook, he there found the very words he had written, including the date, in the thick but faint lines produced by the man's pencil.
He immediately told the court that he wanted to be examined for the sake of the prisoner. Going into the witness box, he told all that he knew, and said that the prisoner was indeed mending the window as he had said. The prisoner was found not guilty and set free.
3ـ استدعاء للإنقاذ
إن السيد دى شاب صغير من جامعة كامبردج " كان يدرس فى الصيف فى مدينة إكسماوث " الصغيرة الهادئة وفى هذا المكان ـ وكما يعرف العديد من القراء ـ أن نهر " إكس " يتم عبوره بواسطة معدية والتى تحمل الركاب بالقرب من محطة ستاركروس " بالخط الحديدى الغربى العظيم ولذا فإن المركب تظل مستعدة منذ بزوغ الشمس حتى مغيبها
وذات ليلة استيقظ الشاب فجأة بين الساعة الحادية عشرة والواحدة فلقد شعر أن هناك صوتا آمر يتحدث إليه وكان من الواضح للغاية أن آخر كلمة ظل يتردد صداها فى أذنه هى : " اهبط إلى المعدية ولاعتقاده أن ذلك حلما عاديا ؛ فلقد اتجه لينام مرة أخرى لكن الأمر قد كرر مع إضافة عبارة " المراكبى ينتظر "
كان هناك شئ ما فى ذلك النداء الثانى جعل من المستحيل على ذلك الشاب ألا ينتبه ولقد حاول ألا يطيع الأمر وجلس فى سريره لعدة لحظات وهو متيقظ تماما وأخذ يتدبر الأمر مع نفسه وكان يبدو أنه من الحمق أن ينهض فى منتصف الليل على أوامر صوت وهمى ويذهب للمعدية حيث لا يوجد أى مركب (لأن المراكبى يعيش فى ستاركروس) وكل ذلك من أجل غرض لا يعرف عنه أى شئ.
وحاول أن يطرد تلك الفكرة إلا أنه لم ينجح فى ذلك وعلى أى حال فقد شعر أن النوم صار مستحيلا وما هى إلا تمشية صغيرة إلى المعدية ثم يعود وهو ليس مضطرا لأن يخبر أى شخص عن رحلته وأخيرا هب واقفا من سريره وارتدى ملابسه بسرعة وانطلق ولقد ذهل عندما سمع صوت المراكبى الخشن ينادى عليه فى ذلك الجو المظلم بنفاذ صبر قبل أن يصل إلى المعدية قائلا له : " حسنا لقد جعلتنى انتظر الليلة لفترة طويلة للغاية وعلى ما اعتقد فلقد انتظرتك ساعة تقريبا ؟ وكان يبدو أن المراكبى قد تلقى نفس الأوامر أيضا لكنه لم يعتقد أن لها أى سبب غير عادى.
ولعدم وجود ركاب على الجانب الذى هو فيه من النهر فلقد أعتقد أنه تم استدعائه عن طريق شخص ما فى أحد القوارب المارة والذى أمره أن يعبر إليه.
فى الوقت الذى وصل فيه السيد دى ..... إلى ستاركروس " كانت هناك فكرة أبعد قد استحوذت على عقله فكانت كلمة " إكستر ! إكستر ! إكستر " هى الكلمة التى ظل يتردد صداها فى رأسه باستمرار مثل جرس النداء وعندئذ شعر أنه أي كان الغرض من هذه الرحلة الليلة الغريبة سَيُسْتَكْمَل فى " اكستر " وبناء على ذلك ومع أول فرصه فلقد اتجه إلى إكستر والتى تقع على بعد ثمانية أو عشرة أميال فقط ولقد وصل المدينة مع شروق الشمس.
وعندئذ وللوهلة الأولى لم يعرف ماذا سيفعل فلقد تبددت كل الأفكار والمشاعر ؛ فأخذ يتجول بلا هدف فى الشوارع ولام نفسه مرات عديدة بسبب السرعة التى جاء بها وعندئذ اعتبر أن الأمر كله من محض خياله ولكنه أراح نفسه بفكرة أنه لن يكون هناك فى تلك الساعة المبكرة أى شخص يعرفه وقد يسأله بعض الأسئلة.
وقرر السيد " دى " أن يعود للبيت فى أول قطار لكن فى ذلك الوقت كانت المحلات والمنازل بدأت تفتح أبوابها وعندما وصل الشاب إلى الفندق دخل فيه وطلب إفطار
كان الجرسون بطيئا للغاية فى إحضار الطعام لكن عندما أحضره اعتذر عن ذلك التأخر وقال : " إن الفندق ممتلئ لأن هناك الكثير من الناس يزورون " إكستر " لما يتعلق بالقضايا التي ينظر فيها فى ساحات القضاء.
لم يكن السيد " دى " ... سمع أي شئ عن هذه المحاكمات ولم يشعر بالإهتمام نحو ذلك الموضوع لكنه لاحظ أن الجرسون يعتبر زيارة القاضي أمر بالغ الأهمية لذا فقد شجع الرجل على الحديث ولذا فقد كافئه الجرسون بتاريخ مسليا للغاية عن القضايا التى حكم فيها وكذلك آراء الجرسون عن القضايا المتبقية وعندئذ أصبح السيد دى مهتم بالأمر وهكذا وبدلا من العودة إلى " إكسماوث " فى القطار التالي أخذ يتجول حتى فتحت المحكمة أبوابها وعندئذ دخل وجلس يشاهد.
كان يبدو أن القضية التى بدأت توا تسبب إثارة غير عادية ؛ فلقد كان السجين متهما بالقتل ولا يوجد أى شخص قد رآه بالفعل أثناء ارتكابه لجريمة القتل إلا أنه بدا من كلام الشهود أنه مذنب وكان أمله الوحيد أن يثبت أن الشهود جميعا كانوا يتحدثون عن شخص أخر وأن يوضح أنه لم يكن هناك فى ذلك الوقت.
وعندما سُئل عن الذى يريد أن يقوله أجاب بهدوء قائلا " إنه من المستحيل أن يكون قد اقترفت جريمة كهذه لأنه فى ذلك اليوم وفى تلك الساعة التى حدث فيها ذلك كنت قد استدعيت لإصلاح شباك فى منزل السيد "جى "...فى " إم ..." .
ثم أضاف بعد أن توقف قليلا عن الكلام " إن هناك شخصا واحدا هو الوحيد الذي يستطيع أن يثبت أنني كنت هناك إلا أنني لا أعرف من يكون ولا أين أبحث عنه نعم أنا أعرف أنه يستطيع أن يثبت أنني لست مذنبا فإن هناك سببا محددا سوف يجعله يتذكرني إلا أنني لا أستطيع أن أفعل شئ حيال ذلك فمشيئة الله نافذة " وكان يبدو أن ذلك الشخص المسكين مستعد لتقبل قدره.
كان السيد " دى " يستمع طوال الوقت باهتمام عميق وعندما أنهى السجين خطبته الحزينة اليائسة رفع السيد دى رأسه فجأة وأخذ ينظر إليه بإمعان.
وعندما وقعت عيناه على ذلك الوجه المتعب الحزين أخذ عدد من الأحداث يتوارد فى ذهنه وهى أحداث كانت تبدو بسيطة للغاية عندما وقعت لكنها كانت فى غاية الأهمية ذلك لأنها تتعلق بحياة شخص آدمي.
فلقد ذهب السيد "دى .... لزيارة أحد أصدقائه قبل بضعة أشهر فى " إم " ... إلا أن الصديق كان بالخارج ولرغبته الشديدة فى رؤيته فلقد قرر السيد " دى " أن ينتظر عودته من أجل هذا الغرض لذا فقد دخل إلى مكتبه صديقه قاصدا أن يمضى الوقت في قراءة كتاب لكنه وجد رجلا يصلح الشباك وبدلا من أن يتصفح إحدى الكتب فلقد وقف لعدة دقائق يراقب الرجل ويتحدث إليه عن عمله.
وبينما كان يفعل ذلك قيل شئ ما أراد السيد " دى " أن يدونه ؛ فأخرج كراسته لذلك الغرض لكنه اكتشف أنه فقد قلمه الرصاص ولرؤية الرجل ما هو فيه من حرج فلقد أعطاه قلمه وهو قلم رصاص بني قصير ذو جوانب مريعة قائلا له : " إن السيد دى ..... يمكنه الاحتفاظ بالقلم لو أراد " وأخذت كل هذه الأحداث تتوارد بوضوح على ذهن الشاب كما لو أنها حدثت بالأمس القريب وعند التفاته بسرعة إلا مفكرته وجد بها نفس الكلمات التى كتبها متضمنة التاريخ بتلك الخطوط السميكة الباهتة الناتجة من قلم الرجل.
وعلى الفور طلب من الرجل أن يريد أن يستجوب لصالح السجين وبذهابه إلى مكان الشهادة قال كل ما يعرف وقال عن السجين كان حقا يقوم بإصلاح الشباك كما قال وتم التأكد من أن السجين غير مذنب فأُطلق سراحه.

1-Who wrote this story ? An Henry Spicer.

2-Who are the main characters in this story ?
AnMr.D -, the waiter and the prisoner in the witness box .

3- What was the use of the ferry in Exmouth?
AnPeople crossed the river by the ferry to go to the railway station.

4- How long did the ferry work every day?
AnThe ferry worked from sunrise to sunset every day.

5- What was Mr D-doing at Exmouth?
AnHe was from Cambridge University and was studying there .

6-How long had Mr. D been studying at Exmouth ?
AnSince the beginning of the summer .

7- What did the voice tell Mr D-in his sleep?
AnThe voice told Mr D-to go down to the ferry.

8- What did the voice tell Mr D-the second time?
AnThe second time the voice told him the same message with the addition that the boatman was waiting.

9- What made Mr D-unwilling to carry out the voice's order?
AnIt was foolish to get up in the middle of the night on the orders of an imaginary voice. He was also sure he would find no boat.

10- Why did it seem foolish for Mr. D- to obey that voice ?
انظر إجابة السؤال رقم 11
11-Why did Mr. D- think that there wasn't be a boat ?
AnHe believed no boat would be there as it worked from sunrise to sunset and the boat man lived at star cross .

12- What made Mr D-go to the ferry?
 (or) Why couldn't Mr. D- ignore the second voice ?
AnSleep was impossible and it was only a short walk to the ferry and back.

13- Why was Mr D-astonished when he went to the ferry?
AnHe found the boatman waiting and saying that he had waited for him nearly for an hour.

14- What made Mr D-go to Exeter?
AnWhen he arrived at the station , a further idea had gained possession of his mind to go to Exeter to complete the purpose of his strange journey.

15- How far was the city of( Exeter) from star cross ?
AnAbout eight or ten miles .

16- How did Mr D-feel when he arrived at Exeter?
AnHe blamed himself for coming to the place and decided to return home by the next train .

17-What did Mr. D- decide to do after he reached (Exeter) ?
AnHe decided to return home by the next train .

18- Why did Mr D-go to the hotel?
AnHe went to the hotel to have breakfast.

19- Why did the waiter apologize to Mr D-?
AnHe apologized for the delay as the hotel was full because a lot of people came for the cases in the law courts.

20- What did the waiter tell Mr D-about the cases?
AnHe told him the history of the cases which had been tried and his ideas about the cases that remained.

21- Why didn't Mr D-return to Exmouth as he had decided?
AnHe became interested in the cases and decided to go to the court.

22- What was the case he attended?
AnIt was the case of a prisoner who was accused of murder.

23- Why was it certain that he would be found giBilty?
AnAlthough no one saw him doing (he act of murder, the witnesses accused him.

24- What was the prisoner's only hope?
AnHis only hope was to prove that the witnesses were talking about the wrong man and to show that he had not been there at the time .

25- What did the prisoner say to defend himself?
AnHe said that on the day and at the hour of the murder, he was sent for to mend a window at Mr G-'s house at M-

26- Why couldn't the prisoner prove what he said?
AnThere was only one gentleman who could prove what he said but, he did not know who he was or where to look for him.

27- How did the prisoner feel?
AnHe was hopeless and ready to accept his fate.

28- Why did Mr D-suddenly look carefully at the prisoner?
AnWhen Mr D-heard what the prisoner said, he knew he himself was the man who could prove his innocence.

29-At what point did Mr. D- realize he could help prove the innocence of the man accused of murder ?
AnWhen the prisoner had finished his speech protesting his innocence .

30- What were the events Mr D- remembered about that man?
AnSome months ago, he went to visit a friend at M- As the friend was out, he went to the friend's library to pass the time reading. He found a man mending the window. He talked to him about his work. Then something was said which Mr D- wanted to write in his notebook. Having no pencil, the man gave Mr D- his pencil.

31-Why had Mr- D- gone to M- some months earlier ?
AnHe had gone to visit his friend .

32- How did Mr. D- pass the time when he found that his friend was out ?
AnMr. D spent sometime watching the man who was mending the window and talking to him about his work.

33- How did Mr D- make sure of the events he remembered?
AnHe turned to his notebook and found the very words he had written including the date.

34- What did Mr D- make known to the court?
AnHe made known to the court his wish to be examined for the sake of the prisoner.

35- What was the evidence Mr D- gave?
AnHe said that the prisoner was indeed mending the window as he said.

36- What was the result of Mr D's evidence ?
AnThe prisoner was set free .

37-Show that fate( providence) rescued the prisoner ?
AnProvidence (fate) caused Mr. D- to come to the court to prove his innocence.

1-"Go down to the ferry!"
"The boatman waits"
AnThese words were said by the commanding voice which ordered Mr D- to go down to the ferry. saying that the boatman would be waiting. Mr D thought that it was just imagination, but he jumped from his bed, dressed quickly and set out.

2-"Well you've kept me waiting Long enough tonight, I think. I've waited nearly an hour for you ."
AnThese words were said by the boatman to Mr D. who was astonished to see that the boatman had received the same orders, may be by someone in a passing boat.

3-"Exeter! Exeter! Exeter "
AnThese words were said by the commanding voice which ordered Mr D- to go to "Exeter".Mr D- felt now that the purpose of this strange night journey would be completed at Exeter.

4-"There is one gentleman who could prove that I was there, but I don't know who he is, nor where to look for him." Yes, I know that he could prove that I am not guilty."
"There is a special reason that would make him remember me. But I can't do anything about it God's will be done .
AnThese words were said by the accused man المتهم in the law court. He meant يقصد to talk about (Mr D) or the gentleman because he was the only witness who could prove his innocence. Of course he had no idea that he was present حاضرduring the trial.

5- "Go down to the ferry.
1-Who said these words? To whom ?
2-Did the addressed person really go down to the ferry ? Why ?
3-Where did the addressed person go later ? Why ?
An1- These were the words of the commanding voice which Mr D- heard at midnight.
2- Yes, he went to the ferry as the voice ordered him, because it was impossible for him to sleep.
3- Later, he went to Exeter to rescue the innocent prisoner, who was accused of murder.

6- "It Is impossible that I could have done this thing ……..»"
1-Who said these words? To whom ?
2-Where were they then ?
3-What was 'this impossible thing'?

An1- The prisoner said these words to the judge.
2- They were at the law court at Exeter at that time.
3- It was committing the act of murder, which the prisoner was accused of.

General Exercises
A- Answer the following questions ;
1- Why did sleep suddenly desert هجر Mr D-in the dead of night?
2- How was Mr D_ impressed by hearing the command ?
3- What was the second command Mr D_ heard ?
4- What astonished Mr D_ on approaching the ferry ?
5- A further idea had control of Mr D- on reaching the Starcross side, What was that idea ? How did he react to it ?
6- Why did Mr D_ blame himself severely while walking aimlessly about the streets of Exeter ?
7- How did the waiter at the hotel encourage Mr D_ to go to the law court ?
8- What was the prisoner accused of ?
9- Was the prisoner guilty or innocent ? Give a reason for you answer.
10- How did Mr D_rescue the prisoner ?
11- What thoughts does this short story bring to your mind ?

B- Read the following quotations, then answer the questions :
1- "Sleep was impossible."
a) Who was sleep for ? b) Why did the speaker say that ?
c) What did that person do ?

2- "Well, you've kept me waiting long enough tonight."
a) Who said this? To whom ?
b) Why did the speaker say that ?
c) Where did they go? Why ?

3- "I was sent for to mend a window ........."
a) Who said this ? To whom?
b) Where were they then?
c) What was the speaker accused of ? How was his innocence proved?

From previous Tests من الامتحانات السابقة
1- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where did Mr D_ study?
2- Why did Mr D_ go to Exeter?
3- How did the prisoner accused of murder defend himself?
4- Why did Mr D _ go up to his friend's library?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"The boatman waits."
1- Who said this statement? To whom?
2- Where was the boatman waiting?
3- Who was he waiting for?

2-(A) Answer the following questions:
1. What strange voice did Mr D_ hear while sleeping at night?
2- Why was the boatman wating for Mr D-?
3- When did Mr D_ reach Exeter?
4- Why did the prisoner give Mr D- his own pen while mending the window?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"It is impossible that I could have done this thing."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- Where was the speaker at that time?
3- What do the words "this thing" refer to?

3- (A) Answer the following questions:
1- When did Mr D_ feel that sleep was impossible?
2- Why did Mr D_ decide to return home by the next train?
3- What was the prisoner accused of?
4- Why did Mr D_ go into the witness box at the court in Exeter?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"He now considered the whole matter as just his imagination."
1- Who does 'He' refer to?
2- What was that matter?
3- Was the whole matter just imagination? Why/Why not?

4-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why does a boat remain from sunrise till sunset by the river Exe?
2- What made Mr D_ go to the law court?
3- What kind of man was Mr D_?
4- How did Mr D_ prove that the prisoner was not guilty?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Going into the witness box, he told all that he knew."
1- Who went into the witness box?
2- Where was that person then?
3- What is meant by 'all that he knew'?

5-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Exmouth?
2- Why did Mr D_ blame himself when he came to Exeter?
3- What made Mr D_ feel interest in the trials in Exeter?
4- How was Mr D_ able to rescue the prisoner from punishment?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Exeter! Exeter ! Exeter!"
1- Who heard these words?
2- When did that person reach Exeter?
3- What did that person do there?

6-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Mr D_ first think of the voice he heard while sleeping at night?
2- Why, do you think, Mr D_ didn't need to tell anyone about his journey to the ferry?
3- What do you think of the waiter at the hotel in Exeter?
4- Why did the prisoner go to Mr G-'s house at M -?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Go down to the ferry."
1- Who was ordered to go down to the ferry?
2- Did the addressed person go down to the ferry? Why ? Why not?
3- Where did the commanding voice order the addressed person to go after that?
7-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why was Mr D_ astonished before he reached the ferry?
2- What did the waiter at the hotel in Exeter tell Mr D_ about?
3- Where was the prisoner on the day and hour of the murder?
4- Do you believe the story of "Called to the rescue? Why / Why not?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"Mr D_ became Interested in the matter."
1- What was that matter?
2- How was Mr D_ interested in the matter?
3- Where did he go after that?

8-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did the voice Mr D_ heard while sleeping tell him?
2- How long did the boatman wait for Mr D_"?
3- Why did the waiter at the hotel in Exeter apologise?
4- What made Mr D_ remain in Exeter, instead of returning by the next train?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"He felt now that the purpose of this strange night would be completed at Exeter."
1-Who does 'He' refer to?
2- Where was he at that time?
3- How was the purpose of that strange night completed at Exeter?

9-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why didn't Mr D_ obey the voice at first? "
2- How far was it to the ferry?
3- Why were a lot of people visiting Exeter?
4- When was the prisoner found not guilty?
(B) Read the following; quotation, then answer the questions;
"Well, you've kept roe waiting long enough tonight"
1- Who said this statement? To whom?
2- Where was the speaker at that time? 3- How long did the speaker wait?
10-(A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Mr D-?
2- Why did Mr D_ go inside a hotel in Exeter?
3- What did the waiter at the hotel think of the judge's visit to Exeter?
4- How does the story of "Called to the rescue" end?
(B) Read the following quotation, then answer the questions:
"At last he jumped from his bed, dressed quickly and set out"
1- Who does 'he' refer to?
2- Where did he set out for?
3- Why did he do so?

Called to the Rescue
1- Pre-reading questions:
An1-They are Mr. D- , the ferryman, the waiter and the prisoner.
An2- He got up because he heard a voice telling him to go down to the ferry.
An3- He went to Exeter because the words «Exeter! Exeter! Exeter! » kept sounding in his head.
An4- No, he didn't know him, but he had met him before.
2- Comprehension Questions:
Write'T' for True or 'F' for False next to the following sentences:
1. (T) 2. (T) 3. (T) 4. (F) 5. (F) 6. (F) 7. (T) 8. (F)
3- Complete the sentences:
1. Although it seemed foolish to go down to the ferry on the orders of an imaginary voice, Mr. D— felt that he had to go because sleep was impossible.
2. Although Mr. D— had heard nothing about the trials, he became interested when he heard the waiter's account of the case being tried there.
3. Mr. D— was able to prove that the prisoner was innocent because he saw him in a friend's house at the time of the murder.
4- Answer the questions:
1- He had been studying since the beginning of the summer.
2- Mr. D- found it impossible to ignore the second voice because it was commanding and he couldn't sleep at all.
3- When he first arrived in Exeter, all his ideas and feelings were gone and he wandered aimlessly around the streets.
4- He went to the courthouse after becoming interested in the waiter's account of the cases that were being tried there.
5- He had gone to M- to visit a friend.
6- Mr. D- had waited in the library.
7- He spent some time watching the man who was repairing his friend's window and talking to him about his work.
8- When the prisoner had finished his speech protesting his innocence.
5- Quotations:
1- He was astonished because the boatman could not possibly have known that Mr D- was going to be there. He concluded استنتج that the boatman had heard someone else call to him from a passing boat.
2- The prisoner who is accused of murder says this. He is talking about Mr D- . He says it because he knows that Mr D- could tell the court that at the time of the murder he was mending a window, therefore proving his innocence.
6- Choose the correct answer:
1. (c) 2. (b)
7- Match the beginnings and ends of the sentences:
A) (iv) B) (iii) C) (ii)
8- Complete the notes on Mr D—'s journey to Exeter.
1. jumped from his bed, dressed quickly and set out.
2. he was astonished to hear the ferryman's rough voice calling to him through the darkness impatiently.
3. Mr. D— decided he should go to Exeter.
4. wandered aimlessly about the streets and decided to return home by the next train, but when he came to a hotel, he went inside to order some breakfast.
5. to go to the law courthouse to watch the cases being tried there.
9- Put the events in the correct order.
1- (B) 2- (E) 3- (D) 4- (A) 5- (F) 6- (C) 7- (G)
General Tests on the Stories من الامتحانات السابقة

1- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Augustus Pokewhistle win at the age of seven?
(An Artist's Story)
2- Why did Mr D – go to Exeter? (Called to the Rescue)
3- How did Augustus's parents help him? (An Artist's Story)
4- What did the stranger steal from the writer? (I Never Forget a Face)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" And I feel certain that you will."
1- Who said this statement? To whom?
2- Where were they at that time?
3- What does the speaker mean by these words?

2- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What business did Augustus Pokewhistle do? (An Artist's Story)
2- How could Mr D - prove the prisoner's innocence?
(Called to the Rescue)
3- Why did the visitor put Augustus on the carpet? (An Artist's Story)
4- Do you think the writer was foolish to give the fellow a lift? Why / Why not? (I Never Forget a Face)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:.
" Hastily turning to his notebook, he there found the very words he had written, including the date."
1- Where did Mr D -meet the prisoner?
2- Why did he use the prisoner's pen?
3- How did Mr D - help the prisoner?

3- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why was the hotel in Exeter full of people? (Called to the Rescue)
2- What did Augustus think the immense man was? (An Artist's Story)
3- How did Mr D- know about the cases in the law court?
(Called to the Rescue)
4- Give an example to show that the writer was a kind - hearted man.
(I Never Forget a Face)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" Nobody came to have their pictures painted."
1- Who said these words? To whom?
2- Where were they at that time?
3- Why, do you think, nobody came to have their pictures painted?
5- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was strange about the writer? (I Never Forget a Face)
2- Why did Mr D - go to the ferry? (Called to the Rescue)
3- What kind of life did Augustus live? (An Artist's Story)
4- How did the narrator know the truth about the man he met on the train?
(I Never Forget a Face)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
" Wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder."
1- Where did the writer see these words?
2- Who were these words about? 3- Why did the writer go to that place?

6- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did immense man want to interrupt Augustus's story all the time?
(An Artist's Story)
2- How did the fellow the narrator met on the train, repay him for his help?
(I Never Forget a Face)
3- What was the prisoner accused of? (Called to the Rescue)
4- Why did Mr D - go lo me law court in Exeter? (Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Listen. There isn't a bus for a quarter of an hour."
1- Who said these words ? To whom?
2- Where were they at that time?
3- What did the speaker offer the addressed person?

7- A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did Augustus's parents encourage him to be a good painter?
(An Artist's Story)
2- Why was sleep at night impossible for Mr D -? (Called to the Rescue)
3- Who are the two main characters in the story? (Called to the Rescue)
4- When did the writer see the criminal's picture on the wall outside
Bardfield police station? (I Never Forget a Face)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"He spoke well, with a quite friendly manner, but he told me very little."
1- Who said these words ? To whom?
2- Where were they then?
3- Why, do you think, the speaker told the addressed person very little?

8- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Augustus decide to take to his bed, never to rise again?
(An Artist's Story)
2- How does the writer's memory for faces help him in business?
(I Never Forget a Face)
3- Why did the writer like living in Bardlfield? (I Never Forget a Face)
4- What made the waiter at the Exeter hotel very slow in bringing the
meal to Mr D - ? (Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"To Exeter he therefore went at the first opportunity."
1- Who does 'he' refer to?
2- What is Exeter?
3- Why did he go to Exeter at the first opportunity?

9- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Augustus tell the man from the furniture shop? Mention two things. (An Artist's Story)
2" Why did the writer think that the fellow he met on the train was from
Bardfield? (I Never Forget a Face)
3- How did the writer show that he was friendly and helpful?
(I Never Forget a Pace)
4- Why did so many people visit Exeter on the day Mr D - arrived there?
(Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"It is impossible that I could have done this thing."
1- Who said this statement?
2- Where was the speaker then?
3- What do the words 'this thing' refer to?

10- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What did Augustus suffer from? (An Artist's Story)
2- On what occasion did the narrator go to Bardfield police station?
(I Never Forget a Face)
3- Why was the prisoner sent for by Mr G -? (Called to the Rescue)
4- Who ordered Mr D - to go down to the ferry? (Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"I'm from the furniture shop."
1- Who said this statement ? To whom?
2- Where were they at that time?
3- What did the speaker mean by this statement?
11- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why, do you think, Augustus didn't sell any of his paintings?
(An Artist's Story)
2- When did the writer know that the fellow he met on the train was a criminal? (I Never Forget a Face)
3- What was Mr D - 's feelings when he first arrived in Exeter?
(Called to the Rescue)
4- How was Mr D - able to prove the prisoner's innocence?
(Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Sleep was impossible."
1- Who said this statement ?
2- Why was sleep impossible?
3- What did the speaker do after he was unable to sleep?

12- A) Answer the following questions:
1- How did the man from the furniture shop add to Augustus's misery?
(An Artist's Story)
2- What does Augustus think of his friends? (An Artist's Story)
3- What was the attitude of some people in the writer's village towards newcomers? (I Never Forget a Face)
4- Why couldn't the prisoner prove that he was not guilty?
(Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"You are the doctor, I suppose."
1- Who said this statement ?
2- What did the speaker think of the doctor?
3- Was the addressed person really a doctor? If not, why did he visit Augustus then?

13- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Do you think Augustus was a true artist Why/ Why not?
(An Artist's Story)
2- What was the writer's trouble? (I Never Forget a Face)
3- What was the weather like when the narrator and the fellow he met on the train arrived at Bardfield? (I Never Forget a Face)
4- Why did Mr D - go up to his friend's library? (Called to the Rescue)

B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"His face told me clearly that he was connected with Bardfield."
1- Who said this statement ?
2- Where did the speaker see that person?
3- What did that person turn out to be in the end?

14- A) Answer the following questions:
1- What was Augustus's last decision concerning painting?
(An Artist's Story)
2- What prize did Augustus win when he was seven? (An Artist's Story)
3- Why was the criminal's picture put on the wall outside Bardfield police station? (I Never Forget a Face)
4- How did the prisoner defend himself? (Called to the Rescue)

B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"What, here? It seemed mad........"
1- Who was speaking? To whom?
2- Where were they then?
3- Why did the speaker mean by these words?

15- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Augustus decide to give up painting people?(An Artist's Story)
2- Who did the narrator meet on the train to Bardfield?
(I Never Forget a Face)
3- What was Mr D - doing at Exmouth? (Called to the Rescue)
4- Why did Mr D - go to the hotel at Exeter? (Called to the Rescue)
B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"I went straight to the police station."
1- Who said this statement ?
2- Where was the speaker at that time?
3- Why did the speaker go to the police station?
16- A) Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Augustus's visitor carefully place Augustus on the carpet?
(An Artist's Story)
2- What did the narrator's wife complain about? (I Never Forget a Face)
3- Why couldn't the narrator get much information about the fellow he met on the train? (I Never Forget a Face)
4- How was the prisoner set free? (Called to the Rescue)

B) Read the following quotation and then answer the questions:
"Well you've kept me waiting long enough tonight."
1- Who said this statement ? To whom?
2- Where were they then?
3- How long did the addressed person wait for the speaker?

روي البخاري عن شداد بن أوس رضي الله تعالى عنه عن النبي
صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: سيد الاستغفار:
اللهم أنت ربي لا إله إلا أنت، خلقتني وأنا عبدك وأنا على عهدك ووعدك ما استطعت، أعوذ بك من شر ما صنعت، أبوء لك بنعمتك علي وأبوء بذنبي، فاغفر لي فإنه لا يغفر الذنوب إلا أنت.
قال: من قالها من النهار موقناً بها فمات من يومه قبل أن يمسي فهو من أهل
الجنة، ومن قالها من الليل وهو موقن بها فمات قبل أن يصبح
فهو من أهل الجنة.

دعاء الانتهاء من المذاكرة
اللهم إني أستودعك ما علمت وما قرأت وما حفظت فرده إلي عند حاجتي إليه.

تم بحمد الله الترم الأول.)
مع تمنياتي بدوام التوفيق و التفوق.
مستر/عطيه الخضرى


القصتان الباقيتان فى الترم الاول لاولى ثانوى

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 

 مواضيع مماثلة

» الهدف الاول
» ابن شباس الاول على الكليه
» الحب الاول وهم ام حقيقه؟
» رباعيات الخيام ( الجزء الاول )
» اسرار النحل الجزء الاول
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
أبناء شباس عمير :: القسم الثقافى ::   :: المناهج التعليمية :: المرحلة الثانويـــــــــة-

جميع المشاركات والمواضيع في منتدي أبناء شباس عمير تعبر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها|جميع الحقوق محفوظة لمنتدى أبناء شباس عمير 2011


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